The Lease Analysis Landlord templates allows you to quickly evaluate leases from a Landlord’s perspective and calculates measures such as the Net Effective Rent.

Alternate lease arrangements can be compared to see which one is best from the Landlord’s perspective using the “Lease Comparison Report” where up to four lease can be compared side by side.

Templates are available for:
• Office leases
• Industrial lease
• Retail leases
The lease analysis template allow you to enter the lease for one tenant occupying one space in the building or one tenant occupying several different spaces in the building, with each space having a different lease arrangement.

To review the program and the input entries click on the folder tabs below.

Project Info Folder Landlord Folder Leasehold Improvements Folder General Expenses Folder General Revenue Folder Rent Revenue and Expenses Folder Vacancy Folder Financing Folder Termination Folder