Commercial Real Estate Investment, Development and Financial Analysis Software
Investit Express covers in-depth income & expense analysis , real estate investment and development analysis.
  1. Analyzer Express Give you the power to furnish and carry out in-depth analysis of financial statements that are easy to develop in order to quickly determine the property value
  2. Investor Express is used to carryout long term real estate investment analysis before and after tax for income properties such as rental apartment buildings, industrial, office and retail and mixed use properties
  3. Developer Express allows you to quickly analyze a development opportunity, estimate the profit potential and determine the land value or how much to pay for the land.
  4. Calculator offers 17 financial calculators help you solve a variety of real estate and financial problems allowing you to make wise financial choices such as choosing the best mortgage, deciding whether to move the mortgage to another lender or how much can you borrow when acquiring an income property.

My Templates Quickly build your own template and save as My Template.

Communications Export multiple reports Excel or PDF.

Turn Off tax Hide all the tax inputs.

Report flexibility Investit Preferences and Report Preferences allow you to enter and set up the information to be included on the Title Page, on each report, use a universal disclaimer statement, select your preferred font etc. Jazz up your presentation with your logo, photographs and graphs etc.

Auto Update Constantly adding new templates, reports and graphs and enhancements to Pro.


New Product: Investit Decisions
Financial, capital budgeting, cost benefit & engineering economic analysis software for industry and non profits such as government, cities, hospitals, Universities etc.