Lease Analysis Tenant Sublease Revenue

This folder is used to enter and project the monthly rental income, which includes:

• Base Rent
• Free Rent adjustments
• Additional Rent (TIM's), parking income etc.
• The application of Rent Caps, Recoverable Expense Caps and Stops

Projection Wizard allows you to quickly enter and project the monthly expenses using a wide variety of projection options.

Tenancy Info DialogProject Info FolderTenant FolderLeasehold Improvements FolderLeasing Expenses FolderSublease Revenue FolderVacancy FolderFinancing FolderTermination Folder

Tenancy Information

Allows you to enter:

1. The information on the lease, such as the type of lease, start and expiry dates, renewal options etc.
2. The Building Attributes, such as the type of property, number of elevators, column spacing, and security arrangements etc.

The Tenancy Information is used in the lease comparison summary report along with the financial results enabling the landlord to compare up to four lease proposals side by side.